PHP Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova framework is built for speed and keeping your existing coding skills going.

PHP Pagination

PHP Pagination is a user-friendly package for effortlessly generating HTML pagination controls, enabling seamless navigation between various listing pages.


DBController is a PHP PDO wrapper that provides a convenient way to interact with a database using the PDO extension. It has all you need to execute database connection and query database..

PHP File Cache

PHP Cache class provides an easy-to-use caching mechanism for PHP applications, enabling developers to store and retrieve data from the cache to improve performance and reduce redundant computations. This class allows you to cache data to the disk and supports various configuration options to customize its behavior.

Nano Image

NanoImage is a simple php image resize class. A lightweight image processing library designed to simplify and streamline image manipulation tasks. This library provides a wide range of image processing functionalities, making it a powerful tool for developers and researchers working with images in various applications.

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